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The Granny Smith is a tip-bearing apple variety which originated in Australia in 1868. It is named after Maria Ann Smith, who propagated the cultivar from a chance seedling. The tree is thought to be a hybrid of Malus sylvestris, the European wild apple, with the domesticated apple Malus pumila as the polleniser.


The fruit is hard, with a light green skin and crisp, juicy flesh. The flavour is tart and acidic. It remains firm when baked, making it a very popular cooking apple used in pies, where it can be sweetened. The apple goes from being completely green to turning yellow when overripe.


Granny Smith is one of several apple varieties that are high in antioxidants and they have the highest concentration of phenols amongst the apple breeds. Some sources recommend Granny Smiths (among other apples) as a particularly efficient source of antioxidants, particularly the flavonoids cyanidin and epicatechin, especially if eaten with the skin intact. Granny Smiths are also naturally low in calories and high in dietary fiber and potassium, making them commonly recommended as a component of healthy and weight-loss diets.



Malus d. 'Granny Smith'

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