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The Horse Chestnut is a native of the mountainous regions of Greece, Bulgaria, Iran, Northern India and beleived to have been introduced to Britain in the late 16th century. Presenting itself as the grandest of all flowering trees, the stout cylindrical base supports a massive mass of foliage above, given space to grow. Leaf clusters can grow up to 18 inches across and the white flowers consist of a bell-shaped calyx supposrting 4-5 petals. Horse chestnut seeds develop during late summer in spiny and fleshy bur, once mature the reddy brown seeds drop from the tree and present themselves as the much loved 'conker'. Once established, trees grow rapidly and can live over 200 years.  

Aesculus hippocastanum - Horse Chestnut

SKU: 0021
  • Features Large Flowers, Good For Pollinators, Nut Producing, Good For Shade
    Uses Urban, Avenue Plantings, Woodlands, Large Gardens, Parks
    Soil Moist Soils, Will Tolerate Most Soils, (Avoid Drought Prone Sites)
    Growth Rate Moderate
    Tolerance to Pollution
    Type Deciduous, Large Leaf
    Common Names  Horse Chestnut, Conker Tree
    Mature Size Medium/Large
  • Work out delivery by selecting your trees and typing your postcode at the 'Cart' page. Alternatively, customers are welcome to arrange collection from the nursery.

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